In addition to regular SWR two-day Basic Seminars and three-day Advanced Seminars taught by Endorsed SWR Trainer, Sarah Moser, Wise Guide Practica Workshops are also offered to alums of the Basic Seminar.  These may be scheduled independently of the seminars, or immediately following.  Wise Guide Workshops focus on targeted key skills necessary to teach the SWR program and allow participants more time to practice these skills than there is time for in a regular seminar.  Wise Guide Workshops allow teachers and parents to actually practice  in a safe environment with the direct guidance of a SWR Trainer.

Currently Scheduled Practicum Workshops


Teaching SWR to PK-1 and Other Nonreaders

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bellevue, WA, 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM

This is a hands-on practicum that focuses on teaching the phonetics of English and rudimentary spelling without the use of fine motor skills. Whether you teach preschoolers, Kindergartners, or older kinesthetic students, come learn with us how to apply SWR principles to nontraditional situations.

Registrations are first-come, first-served. There is a small Materials Fee in addition to the tuition.

To register, contact Trainer at, leave message at this web site, contact her on Twitter @SG_Moser, or by phone: 425-652-3967.

Currently Available Workshops – Schedule with Trainer


Intermediate Day Practicum Workshop [8 hour option]

This Practicum picks up where the two-day Basic Seminar leaves off and introduces the new SWR-specific Black Log published in 2012. Time is spent in guided, personal practice with the complete Spelling Dictation process in groups and individually in front of the class with the Trainer providing assistance as needed. Additional Reference Pages are built which there is not time for in the Basic. Hands-on dictionary exercises are included. Attention is given to choosing appropriate enrichments in Wise Guide for third grade through high school, and the importance of continually working in the spiral method of teaching inherent in Spell to Write and Read.

[NOTE: The Intermediate Practicum does not take the place of the three-day Advanced Seminar.]

Teaching SWR to PK-1 and Other Nonreaders [8 hours]

This Practicum gives attention to teaching phonograms to nonreaders and beginners, as well as enrichment games and exercises for this age group. Participants will actually experience some of these exercises. Directed practice of spelling dictation shown for beginners and nonreaders through games and other reinforcements. Attention given to choosing appropriate enrichments in Wise Guide, and the importance of Step 2 in SWR.

Spelling Dictation Practicum [4, 6, and 8 hour options]

This Practicum includes additional directed practice of spelling dictation for students using either the Primary or Black Logbooks. Participants will practice preparation of lessons and other key SWR teaching skills. Attention is paid to avoidance of Spelling Dictation Faux Pas to increase accurate teaching. Guided exercises maximize readiness to teach.

Spelling Dictation Intensive + Lesson Planning Practicum [6-8 hours]

This Practicum focuses on hands-on work in the Primary and Black Logbooks to give practice in key SWR teaching skills. Time is given for hands-on, guided lesson planning, practice smooth usage of both texts, actual practice teaching phonograms, and the application of Spelling Rules in Wise Guide lessons. Participants will plan lessons in several levels of the Wise Guide.

Tracking Student Progress/Testing Practicum [4 hours]

This Practicum explains proven techniques for regular diagnostic tests, monthly charting, and tracking of student progress only touched on in the Basic Seminar. The workshop includes hands-on instruction necessary to make effective enrichment choices from Wise Guide. Workshop includes practicum exercises to build teacher confidence.

Making the Transition to the Black Log for 3rd Grade and Above [6 hours and 8 hours options]

This Practicum guides you through the process of teaching the Primary Log to the Black Log, and how to handle teaching both at once.  Through guided exercises in class, you will delve into the differences between the two logs, ways to adapt assignments in different years as your students progress, and create sample alternative pages for those teaching in the upper grades.

Attention will be paid in the longer workshop [8 hour version] to developing students’ dictionary skills, vocabulary development, and the adaptation of spelling enrichments to work for students remediating in junior or senior high school. NOTE:  This workshop does not take the place of the SWR Three-Day Advanced Seminar.

Wise Guide Secrets [4 hours]

This workshop shows you how to delve more deeply into the many enrichments available through Wise Guide through all years of teaching SWR.  Guided, hands-on exercises will be done in class to familiarize you with some of these remarkable aspects of the program.  Special attention will be given to enrichment assignments which focus on the 2500 derivative words inherent in the program which are based on the 2000 most frequently used words from Wise Guide.


Workshops in Development


Dictionary Skills for Junior High and High School Students [3.5 hours]

How To Incorporate SWR into High School English Curricula [8 hours]

Teaching Root Words with SWR for 3rd Grade Through High School [6 hours]

Building Vocabulary with SWR for Junior High and High School Students [8 hours]


Wise Guide Practicum Workshop Prices

Registration and other information: Sarah Moser, Endorsed Trainer, or 425-652-3967.


$35.00 for 4 hour workshops
$50.00 for 6 hour workshop
$68.00 for 8 hour workshop OR two 3.5 hour workshops on same day


Washington State Clock Hours for Certified Teachers

WA STATE CLOCK HOURS: Available by separate arrangement with Trainer at a low cost for all Family Education Services sponsored Basic or Advanced Seminars and Wise Guide Practica Workshops.  Please email Sarah for further information.  Clock Hours provided as a courtesy through accredited private school Academy Northwest.